The goal? Get rid of that excess flab and maybe build some nice lean, shpely muscle while they're at it. Nothing special, they just want to look a bit more 'toned' and feel fitter.
The problem is... after months of tedious workouts they're still not seeing any worthwhile results.
Motivation levels drop to zero and before they realize it they're skipping workouts or ... not working out at all anymore.
Here's the problem...
According to a research conducted in 2006 by Berkley and Stanford Universities, most people are wasting more than 67% of the fat 'burning potential' of their workouts. Pretty shocking,,, right? In our fast pace, results based society, nearly 70% of many people's workouts are a complete waste of time.
Take for instance the world’s most popular weight loss exercise... jogging as an example.
Every year, about 36 million people buy themselves a pair of running shoes and start jogging because they think it will help get them burn fat and get a lean physique.
The results of the research from Berkley and Stanford Universities paint a slightly different picture. To the shock of pretty much the entire fitness industry, ALL these runners actually got fatter with each passing year! This includes those who ran as much as 8 miles every single day.
Those folks are'nt just wasting 100% of their exercise time... they're risking lasting joint problems caused by repetitive strain! And that’s obviously not the result you're looking for when you start working out.
So... what can you do to solve this?
According to fitness coach and bodyweight exercise expert Adam Steer ... for maximum effectiveness, your fat loss plan and workouts must include three key “blocks”.
You simply can't hit 100% of your fat burning potential without implementing all three.
The biggest problem with most conventional programs is that only hit one of these three essential methods, like jogging. This means you’re only working with 33% of your maximum fat burning potential—at best. And don't forget the risk of repetitive strain injuries.
So what exactly are these key workout ingredients you so desperately need for a successful fat loss plan?
1. Intense cardio interval
training: High intensity interval training is all the rage, and there's a reason for this... it works!
2. Endurance cardio training: Yes, cardio is still a great way to burn calories and get rid of fat, that is if you combine it with the other two components.
3. Metabolic-Muscle training: This is something many people (especially women) overlook, yet it's probably the most important of all. Building muscle is one of the best things you can do to accelerate fat loss. Don't worry... we're not talking about big, bodybuilder type muscles here but shapely, lean and athletic muscle. According to Steve Holman (Old School New Body) building and maintaining muscle mass is one of the key factors in fighting the symptoms associated with aging.
Without all three of these components, it’s pretty much impossible to keep your metabolic machinery firing at 100% of its true potential.
To help you get the maximum out of your workouts, Adam has created the Bodyweight Burn System. This program show's you exactly how to start combining these three essential components into effective workouts using nothing but bodyweight exercises.
Adams program teaches you short 21 minute workouts that consist of some truly unique exercises which you probably won't find anywhere else. The short, equipment free workouts make this the perfect program for anyone who is pressed for time, on a budget or simply doesn't want to leave the house for their workout.